[. . . ] WITH REGARD TO THIS MANUAL (Yen iI tKe applianceV are maGe in conIormit\ ZitK tKe (Xropean reJXlator\ Vpeci¿cationV in Iorce anG tKereIore all potentiall\ Ka]arGoXV partV are protecteG &areIXll\ reaG tKeVe ZarninJV anG XVe tKe appliance onl\ Ior tKe XVe it iV GeViJneG Ior in orGer to preYent acciGentV anG GamaJe . [. . . ] If too much ground coffee is put inside the funnel Àlter ) , it might be difÀcult to tighten the boiler G on the carafe C . 7ighten the boiler on the caraIe bXt ZithoXt e[aggerating Do not pri]e the hanGle :hen the appliance is operating the coYer mXst sta\ closeG Place the machine on the poZer sXppl\ base + &lose the coYer Press the on sZitch , 7he inGicator light Zill tXrn on to inGicate that the machine is on anG operating 7he coIIee Zill start to come oXt aIter a IeZ minXtes :ait Xntil the coIIee has completel\ come oXt Press the on sZitch , to tXrn the machine oII 8se a teaspoon to mi[ the coIIee anG maNe the Gensit\ anG temperatXre XniIorm :ait Xntil the machine has cooleG GoZn beIore XnscreZing the boiler to maNe neZ coIIee $s an alternatiYe Xse gloYes or rags to preYent the Ganger oI bXrns Warning!Four-cups coffee )ill the boiler G halIZa\ Zith Zater )ig remaining XnGer the saIet\ YalYe / Place the si[-cXps IXnnel ¿lter ) insiGe the boiler 7o prepare IoXr-cXps coIIee pXt the aGaptor Gisc . insiGe the si[-cXps IXnnel ¿lter )ig )olloZ the instrXctions in the paragraph ³+oZ to maNe coIIee´ Auto-off function , I the machine is tXrneG on bXt not in Xse the aXto-oII IXnction operates aIter aboXt minXtes 7his IXnction pXts the machine in stanGb\ 7he inGicator light oI the 212)) bXtton , is oII 7o tXrn on the machine again press the 212)) bXtton , to retXrn it in position anG then press it to set it in position )ig $t this point the inGicator light oI the 212)) bXtton lights Xp anG the machine Zill be in operation again cLEANING THE APPLIANCE Warning!$ll cleaning operations GescribeG beloZ mXst be perIormeG Zith the machine oII anG Zith the electric plXg GisconnecteG Irom the socNet-oXtlet Warning!5egXlar maintenance anG cleaning preserYe anG Neep the machine eI¿cient Ior a longer amoXnt oI time 1eYer Zash machine components in the GishZasher Do not Xse Girect Mets oI Zater 1eYer pXt the boiler G or poZer sXppl\ base + in contact Zith Zater Warning! [. . . ] $Iter halI an hoXr has elapseG empt\ the boiler anG maNe sXre \oX haYe remoYeG the lime Irom the bottom then rinse the interior oI the boiler Do not immerse the boiler in Zater 0aNe at least pots oI coIIee to throZ aZa\ 7he manXIactXrer Geclines all responsibilit\ Ior malIXnctioning iI the operation GescribeG has not been carrieG oXt PUTTING OUT OF SERVICE , I the machine is pXt oXt oI serYice electricall\ Gisconnect it &Xt the poZer corG , n the case oI scrapping \oX mXst separate the YarioXs materials XseG in maNing the machine anG Gispose oI them baseG on their composition anG on the legal proYisions in Iorce in the coXntr\ oI Xse , mmeGiatel\ tXrn the machine oII iI there are operational problems 8nplXg it Irom the electric oXtlet :ait Ior the machine to cool GoZn $s an alternatiYe Xse gloYes or rags to XnscreZ the boiler Irom the caraIe Problems 7he coIIee Goes not come oXt 6olXtions 5epeat the operation b\ pXtting the right amoXnt oI Zater into the boiler &oIIee comes oXt Probabl\ too mXch groXnG Irom the eGges oI the coIIee Zas pXt in the IXnnel 5epeat the operation b\ pXtting the right amoXnt oI coIIee into the IXnnel ¿lter 5esiGXe oI groXnG coIIee is &lean the seal Zith a toothpicN or a sponge on the seal 7he e[it holes oI the Gisc ¿lter D are cloggeG 7Xrn oII the machine 8nplXg it Irom the socNetoXtlet 8se gloYes or rags :ait Ior the machine to cool GoZn 8nscreZ the boiler Irom the caraIe 5emoYe the ¿lter Irom the caraIe &lean the cloggeG Gisc ¿lter )ig holes Xsing Xsing a small brXsh or pin 7he caraIe has not been tighteneG to the boiler 6creZ the caraIe onto the boiler tightl\ Do not pri]e the hanGle 7he coIIee is not 7he e[it holes oI the Gisc sXpplieG or ÀoZs too ¿lter D are cloggeG sloZl\ 7Xrn oII the machine 8nplXg it Irom the socNetoXtlet 8se gloYes or rags :ait Ior the machine to cool GoZn 8nscreZ the boiler Irom the caraIe 5emoYe the ¿lter Irom the caraIe &lean the cloggeG Gisc ¿lter )ig holes Xsing Xsing a small brXsh or pin 7he coIIee blenG is presseG PXt a smaller amoXnt oI coIIee into the IXnnel ¿lter GoZn too mXch /ime has IormeG on the bottom oI the boiler Descale as instrXcteG in the paragraph ³&leaning the appliance´ 7oo mXch Zater has been pXt 5epeat the operation b\ pXtting the right amoXnt OI Zater into the boiler 8p to the saIet\ YalYe iI the TILLADT BRUG DX Nan anYenGe masNinen for at tilbereGe Naffen Denne NaffemasNine er NXn beregnet til priYat brXg i hMemmene og mn anses for Xegnet til brXg meG hanGelsm ssige elle inGXstrielle formnl KaffemasNinen er NonstrXeret til oYenfor n Ynte brXg og proGXcenten frasiger sig Gerfor ethYert ansYar YeG sNaGer af enhYer art som er opstnet YeG brXg af masNinen til anGre formnl Garantien frafalGer hYis apparatet brXges til noget Get iNNe er beregnet til )are for forbr nGinger 7ag fat pn apparatet YeG hM lp af Get releYante hnnGtag )are for sNolGninger Ger sN\lGes spr¡Mt af Yarmt YanG og Gamp Ger risiNerer at siYe XG fra XGsN nNningshXlllerne Apparatet mn XGelXNNenGe anYenGes sammen meG Gen meGf¡lgenGe fors\ningssoNNel Apparatet mn iNNe anYenGes pn N¡NNen- eller NogeplaGer Ger er t nGt 9eG besNaGigelser GefeNter eller mistanNe om GefeNter efter at masNinen er falGet neG pn gXlYet sNal leGningen straNs tages XG af stiNNontaNten 7 nG alGrig for en GefeNt NaffemasNine UD(/UKK(1D( GODK(1D7( 6(59, &(&(175( (5 B(0<1D, G(7 7, / A7 )O5(7AG( 5(PA5A7, O16, 1DG5(B(1( 0an frasiger sig ethYert ansYar for eYentXelle sNaGer efter XNorreNte reparationer 6p nG beholGeren goGt fast pn NanGen XGen at forcere for meget UnGgn at brXge hnnGtaget som l¡ftestang 1nr apparatet er i Grift sNal lnget Y re lXNNet 6til apparatet pn fors\ningssoNlen + /XN lnget 7r\N pn t nGingsNnappen , AGYarselslampen t nGer for at angiYe at masNinen er t nGt og i Grift (fter nogle minXtter beg\nGer Naffen at l¡be XG 9ent pn at Naffens XGsN nNning er afslXttet 7r\N pn t nGingsNnappen , for at slXNNe masNinen BrXg en tesNe for at blanGe Naffen og for at tilpasse Nraft og temperatXr 9ent pn at masNinen er N¡let af f¡r beholGeren l¡snes for at tilbereGe en n\ Naffe Det er ogsn mXligt at brXge hanGsNer eller NlXGe for at foreb\gge risiNo for sNolGninger Advarsel! [. . . ]